Saturday, December 5, 2009

What was the first movie you ever saw in a movie theatre?


Showing my age again...

What was the first movie you ever saw in a movie theatre?classical music

Lion King, and actually it was at a drive in theatre.

What was the first movie you ever saw in a movie theatre?ms stress opera theater

It was a Disney movie. Something with Hayley Mills in it. I can't remember the name. I saw all her movies though !!!!
Oliver %26amp; Company
the very first jurassic park when it first came out. good luck.
the first lion king, and i think it was the premiere too because i remember there were lots and lots of people. i think i was about 5

is that you in your avatar picture, btw? if so you're very pretty :)
I saw Jaws 3D, but I was to afraid to put the glasses on so it was really blurry.
E.T. At least that is the first one I remember.

(God, I'm old...) :)
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure I had no idea what it was about I just knew I wasn't able to see Terminator 2 with my parents.
Star Wars IV: A New Hope. I wanted to look just like Princess Lea. I thought she had was sooo pretty and had the coolest hair ever!
Home Alone 1
Jurassic Park ((the 1st one))
The original Star Wars!
That Darn Cat,,,in about 1963
Your Cheating Heart. It was a story about Hank Williams Sr. that was played by a young George Hamiton Jr.
I think it was "The Robe"
The Ten Commandments; I was five years old, and I am told I went to sleep. (I think I've got all you beat on the age thing so far).
good question,

i can't believe it, i don't remember
Star wars. I was like 4 or something.
Titanic maybe
i think it was Flubber
Saskathewan. i barely remeber it.
Don't remember
I'm told I was taken to Star Wars as an infant and cried through the entire thing! (I still don't like Star Wars) The first one I remember seeing was Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Jurassic Park

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