Thursday, December 10, 2009

What was the latest movie you've watched in a theatre?

Wallace and Grommit, Curse of the Wererabbit.

Fantastic movie, a definite must see for all!!!

And I bet you were thinking it's a kids movie, tsk tsk

What was the latest movie you've watched in a theatre?imax theater

Narnia at the El Capitan in Hollywood (it snowed in the theater! also viewd the sets and costumes) and had a fantastic time!

What was the latest movie you've watched in a theatre?classical music opera theater

She's the Man.. (funiest movie I've ever seen).. and Faluire to Launch..chick flick it was so-so
Yours Mine and's been awhile. : )
Failure to Launch and i liked it
Vendetta-cool flick man!
Pink Panther it was funny. i plan to see alot more though
the last movie I had gone seen at the movie theatre was The Devil's Rejects. the movie I want to go see very soon The Hills Have Eyes.I heard that movie is great.
Nanny McPhee. I liked it. How can you go wrong with Colin Firth and Emma Thompson?
v is for vengance or whatever its called.
The Hills Have Eyes
"The hills have eyes" it wasn't scary so much as it was Creeepy and gross!
Bambi II with my little brother. It was surprisingly good.

it sucked
saw 2
The hills have eyes....i didnt want to see it at first but i went w/ my parents and i actually liked it it was a good movie but a little freaky!
Land of the Dead. Haven't gotten out much. :(
When a stranger calls

it was ok
Game 6. My brother's cat is in it and if it weren't for that, I probably never would have thought about seeing it.
Eight Below. Great story line, and great plot. Gorgeous dogs, too!
The Libertine!! Johnny Depp is so yummy!
"Hostel"... WOO HOO!! BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
Pink Panther. It was a really good movie!
V for Vendetta
Chronicles of Narnia....a good movie
The Shaggy Dog, it was ok.
Eraserhead........just wonderful!
16 blocks it was pretty good but not great it was a little bit too long
V for vendetta
Failure to Launch

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